Juicing Vs. Blending: Which One is Better for Weight Loss?

Juicing Vs Blending

Juicing Vs Blending: Which One is Better for Weight Loss?

Without a doubt, there are always debates on whether to settle on a juicer or a blender. The big question is Juicing Vs. Blending: Which one better for weight loss?

If you are interested in knowing which of the two practices is better for weight loss, then stick around for detailed information. 

The Showdown: Juicing Vs Blending

Juicing Vs Blending

Fruits and vegetables contribute a lot to your health. It is advisable by most health practitioners that we should at least eat 2 cups of fruit and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables every day.

Fresh juice from fruits and vegetables may decrease the dangers of heart illness and even cancer. Also, It can assist you in regulating your weight. 

The juice and smoothie industry has taken most parts of the world by storm. In the USA, juice and smoothie bars bring in billions of dollars per year. It is incredible the number of people taking in fresh juice and smoothies.  

However, it’s crucial to recognize the health benefits and importance of what you consume, especially from fruits and vegetables. 

That’s where the business of juicing and blending comes in: Both make it easier to get the most of fruits and vegetables into your diet. 

In this review, we are going to peek at juicing vs. blending for weight loss. But first, let’s look at the ups and downs of juicing vs. smoothies.

Best Juicing Recipes for Weight Loss

Pros & Cons of Juicing


  • More serving of fruits and veggies.
  • Easy absorption of nutrients .
  • Juicing allows veggies in your fruit juices.
  • There are few calories in juices as the fiber is removed and remains in the leftover juice pulp.


  • Most masticating juicers are very expensive. An example is the Omega juicers which range from $100-400$. But there are some inexpensive juicers at $50.
  • It takes much time.
  • Little to no fiber.
  • It’s a low meal replacement; you’ll feel hungry faster.

Best Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss

Pros & Cons of Blending


  • Most blenders are inexpensive.
  • Smoothies are packed in high fiber.
  • Smoothies have more antioxidants which are found in the fibers.


  • Fewer servings of fruits and veggies.
  • A lot of calories intake.
  • There’s much sugar in smoothies.

What’s the Difference Between Juicing and Blending?

Juicing Vs Blending differences Infographic

The main difference between juicing and blending is the end product.  When juicing, all fibers are removed from the fruit, and you are left with the juice and dry fruit pulp.

If you are on a budget, we would like you to read our reviews on the best juicers under $100.

On the other hand, when blending, you have both the juice and fruit pulp combined to make a thick mixture. So if you are looking to differentiate between smoothies and juice, that is the main difference.

In the next section, we will focus on the differences in benefit of the two alternatives. 

Nutrient Concentration

When juicing, the key element is the juice from your fruits and vegetables. The juice is easier to absorb.

We also recommend getting the best ingredients from the market for maximum nutrition. You can read our article on the best apples for juicing, which will teach you about the variety of apples and how to choose fresh fruits.

The essential nutrients being consumed in your body are in a readily digestible form. Unlike the bulk you get from a smoothie, fresh juices offer more nutrient content. 

Fiber Content

Juices contain little to no fiber. Fiber is essential for your health and also aids in digestion.

There are two types of fiber:

  • Soluble Fiber, and
  • Insoluble Fiber

Soluble fiber dissolves in water easily and aids in slowing down digestion; this helps lower blood sugar levels. Fruits like apples are great source of the soluble fiber.

On the other hand, the insoluble fiber found in some vegetables and dark leafy greens adds some weight to your stool. You might have an easy time in the washroom. Smoothies are the way for fiber intake. 


Most fruits and veggies have antioxidants present in them. Some fruits like grapes have antioxidant compounds with possible anti-cancer properties.

So go ahead and blend those fruits; they might help in fighting cancer cells. Most of these antioxidants are present in the fibers of the fruit. Blending takes the win for this option. 

Ease of Digestion

Eating fruits and vegetables without fiber makes it easy for your body to digest the essential nutrients. It is easily absorbed in your body. 

However, you need to note that blending is beneficial, too. The fiber present in blended juice allows for the improved intake of essential nutrients. It aids in breaking the produce’s cell walls. 

If your doctor has prescribed low-fiber and low-residue diets, juicing would be appropriate. Low consumption of fiber may result in harmful health consequences.

It would be best to reconsider blended juices more than juiced fruits and veggies as they contain both sides’ benefits. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone. 

Absorption of Sugar

Sugar consumption is a notable disadvantage of both juicing and blending. Both juices and smoothies can cause blood sugar spikes, but the effects are more immediate with juices. 

When blending fruits and veggies, there are many ingredients in the smoothie, and you end up full within a short time.

The fruit fiber present in the pulp helps boost your drink’s quantity, filling you up and limiting your whole calorie intake.

However, you can drink the same amount of fruit yield with juices and still not feel contented. You are resulting in a higher intake of sugars, which is a common juicing mistake. 


Is time a limiting factor for a heavy breakfast? Then smoothies are a better option instead of skipping breakfast.

On the other hand, juicing is preferably good when you want a glass of juice between your meals. 

Suppose you are looking to drink pineapple juice during your tooth surgery. But does it worth it? Does pineapple juice help with wisdom teeth removal? Please read our article to know the answer.

Weight Loss Process 

Weight loss occurs when you consume fewer calories allowing your body to burn the required amount. On the other hand, weight gain happens when you consume more calories than your body can burn.

These excess calories turn into fat, and you end up adding weight. So as you consume those juices and smoothies, know that they add calories to your body. 

In your weight loss journey, it’s a must to have a good juicer. You can read our dash juicer reviews to know the pros & cons and then decide to purchase.

Final Thoughts

After reading through our extensive review, we hope that you’ll be able to make a decision that will deliver outstanding results. Happy weight loss journey!

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